Monday, June 18, 2012

Jenny's Brownie Pizza

I totally have to give my friend Jenny all the credit for this one!  I think she first had it at a church potluck then moved and started attending our church and brought it for a church potluck.  It is a great fish fry, family reunion, teacher's appreciation luncheon, birthday celebration or potluck type of dessert.  My only WARNING is that it needs to be refrigerated and does not need to be sitting out in heat cause the Cool Whip will turn YUCKY!  Trust me, I learned from experience.  
Oh and when you take it to a function, everyone will be begging you for the recipe!

Jenny's Brownie Pizza
Box of family size brownies
- 2 eggs
- veggie oil (or applesauce)
1 small container of peanut butter
1 box of chocolate pudding
- 1 1/2 cups milk
1 container of Cool Whip
Topping (can use chocolate syrup, sprinkles, chocolate shavings, etc)

Prepare the box of brownies according to the package in a 9x13 baking dish.  When it is still warm (but not HOT), spread the container on top of the brownies.  Refrigerate for about 30 mins to help the peanut butter firm up.  Make the pudding but only use 1 1/2 cups of milk instead of 2 cups so it is thicker then spread over the peanut butter.  Then spread the defrosted Cool Whip on top the pudding and sprinkle with toppings of your choice or drizzle chocolate syrup on top.

**This last time I made the brownies, I used applesauce instead of oil and it turned out great!  Also if you LOVE chocolate pudding, you can make 2 boxes of and use 3 cups of milk instead of 4 cups.

1. Brownie
2. Peanut butter added

3. Pudding added
4. Cool Whip added

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