I have washed the blackberries in the sink with a cup of
white distilled vinegar for about 30 mins. Then I laid them out on a cookie sheet on top
of paper towels. I am going to separate it
out to have enough for a cobbler tonight, another amount to freeze for possibly
2 future cobblers and then what is left for the kids to graze on til they are
gone. This is my recipe for Blackberry Cobbler. I got it from the Betty Crocker website and I
follow it to a “ T “.
Blackberry Cobbler
2 1/2 blackberries
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1/2 cup melted butter
Mix the blackberries in a bowl with the sugar for about 30 mins til the sugar becomes gooey.
Loved the pics on FB of the picking. Too fun!